Rx in Reach | Resources
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Use these resources to help advocate for legislation and policies that help Georgians access and afford the healthcare they need. 


We invite you to share these materials on your social media platforms and/or use them in face-to-face meetings.

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MAT, the tool that can help you afford your medications

MAT, the Medicine Assistance Tool, matches patients with resources and cost-sharing programs that help lower the out-of-pocket costs, whether or not you have insurance. PhRMA’s MAT is a search engine designed to help patients, caregivers and health care providers learn more about resources available through the various biopharmaceutical industry programs. MAT will help assist your search for many patient assistance resources that the bio-pharmaceutical industry offers. 


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Use Social Media to Make Your Voice Heard

Use the following hashtags to advocate for legislation that improves access to care for Georgia patients:





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